

A warm summer day, the day we first met
Do you remember?
I'm your own bad boy
You're my own good girl
I always be with you
Let's travel at least once, in a couple tee at amusement park
Coffee at a cafe
No, watch a movie while holding hands
Call me when you miss me
Hungry? Do you want to eat?
Want to take a photo, baby? What do you want to do this weekend?
You are always behind of me
You are so adorable
You are more beautiful than anybody else
Through this song, I will confess my love to you
I love you
Keep on loving only me, just like now
Let's love forever
A beautiful love story just between you and me
Please, make it together with me :D

Charm Han Kyul

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Copyright @ 2013 ::Da LeGeNdArY ChArM::.