Last Wednesday, on 8th of December, me and my "cousin" (heheh) Saini went to Kuantan for a 'mini reunion'. Hahah, just hangout actually. Yep, this is the 1st outing since my semester break started. Departed from Raub at 8.45 a.m. and manage to arrive at Saini's house b4 9.30. Gila laju sbb cadangan awalnya 8 a.m. I hate those lorries using the Raub-Bentong way. Always men-slow-kan orang laen. Ish.. But somehow magically arrived in Kuantan around 11.30 a.m. Right on schedule. I hope x kena saman, haha. Tapi x over the speed limit ok...Then we straight went to Megamall. Though not so straight, haha. Hanya meredah mengikut gerak hati. After a few wrong turns, and also made U turn when it suppose cannot make U turn (gangster jalanraya), finally made it to Megamall. Damn the parking lot is so high and I kinda nervous. I have a little phobia with height u see... Level 4. Saini efficiently took pic of the parking lot number/sign. In case we forgot which level we park Hero. And really, we did forget. I thought it was 'P' but instead it was 'T'.
When Eah came, we went to Secret Recipe and waited for Leeya there. Gosh so hungry and quickly ordered these satisfyingly and delicious food.
At first my intention is just for the cakes. But oh well... haha. Sambil makan sambil gosip2 mengumpat, LOL.
Next pit stop, East Coast Mall. This was the 1st time I came here. And I think this place is cool =). Don't have the time to explore it yet, but will do. Next time... We went for a movie and decided to watch Rapunzel 3D. Personally I liked this movie. Haven't watch or read fairy tales in years, kinda remind me of my childhood. Sorry no pics =p. Then we went for kara-ok! I didn't sing, hehe. First, I'm too shy. 2nd, dont know any of the songs. So just enjoy their singing and rapping, hahah. Lepak2 there until 5p.m.
It's time to say goodbye... Tidak puas rasanya. But no place to stay, besides, kewangan tdk mengizinkan. Haha. Me and Saini went back to Megamall to find some CDs then went back home. I arrived home at 10p.m. Tiring but it was a fun day. Should spend time like this again after this. When I have money of course. Thanx to Saini, Eah and Leeya for a great day =)
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